Mindful, Present, Loving, Accepting, Grateful am I

I picked up an old friend the other day….. Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. 

As I sat for a moment in silence and re-read the first few pages, I was reminded how deeply my belief system and my inner being has expanded these past few years.  It didn’t necessarily start with Louise but a calamity of occurrences, crossing of paths…. coincidences to some. I have come to understand (believe) there are only intentions, those that we set out before us with our thoughts, our patterns, our beliefs, our turmoils and yes decisions that we make along the way.It’s hard, I know... for many of us to accept this idea and so it was for me for a very long time.  How have I come to this circumstance…. this knowing… this acceptance? Well as one might guess, it started long before just three years ago, with the turning point occurring sometime in 2013…. at least in my rational mind.The seeds had been planted long before... I recall intriguing dinner party conversations with friends about life, religion, politics and spiritual beliefs.  You know the conversations…. the ones before kids were born and life as we all knew it changed inexplicably toward something greater than ourselves. No... I did not have children of my own, but as each was born, my life too became richer, more meaningful than I have yet to fully appreciate and understand.

Here are a few of my former beliefs:

  • Self proclaimed Atheist without even knowing fully what it meant
  • Anti religion according to some telling circumstances I encountered
  • Vague notion and interest toward native spirituality 
  • Nature brings healing, calm and restoration to the soul
  • Death is death, with nowhere else to go
  • What goes around comes around
  • Everyone has a soulmate
  • ……  just to name a few

Okay, I still hold a resistance to God in the religious sense… please accept that as my belief with no disrespect intended toward your own.  I no longer refer as Atheist and continue to explore the idea of my belief towards a higher power…. one that exists within myself, within each of us. Full disclosure….I now practice gratitude toward and seek guidance from “my spirit guides…. those that watch over me and help guide me to my greatest good” and toward the universe for its abundance, prosperity and love.  My views on religion softened as I opened my mind to the possibility of the good such faith provides.  The source of that faith becomes less relevant in witnessing it help others heal from great tragedy, overcome insurmountable obstacles and face both life and death with grace, dignity and courage.  It is my own faith…. first in myself, second in the Universe that has helped me heal, find courage, strength and a love I had only once dreamed of.I continue to explore my spirituality and the idea that there is something beyond.  My curiousity and exploration includes:

  • Animal spirit guides (hummingbird or dragonfly resonate deeply)
  • Crystal energy (my favourite resource is “Book of Stones”... after Coreen)
  • Meditation (there is magic in becoming silent within)
  • Reiki (certified level 2)
  • Oracle cards (my favourite pictured below) and most significantly....
  • Practicing gratitude for this life I get to live

Karma is a way of being and often mistook for fate such as my earlier belief of “what goes around, comes around.  Frankly I still believe that as well. I came across this simple definition of karma by Barbara O’Brien of the buddhism.about.com blog as quoted on IDEAPOD.  

“The word “karma” means “action,” not “fate.” In Buddhism, karma is an energy created by willful action, through thoughts, words and deeds. We are all creating karma every minute, and the karma we create affects us every minute.It’s common to think of “my karma” as something you did in your last life that seals your fate in this life, but this is not Buddhist understanding. Karma is an action, not a result. The future is not set in stone. You can change the course of your life right now by changing your volitional (intentional) acts and self-destructive patterns.”

My belief around the existence of soul mates has evolved from the once held belief that we all have a (singular) soulmate and if we were lucky we would recognize their existence. For a time, I struggled and stopped believing in this idea at all.

Through a multitude of mind altering experiences and contemplation of possibilities, I now consider my great fortune in not just one, but three significant soul connections.  The first…. my lifelong friend Coreen, without whom I would not have ever considered much of what I now write so openly about.Next…. my dear sweet Riley who so fittingly (truthfully) rescued me and opened my heart and soul to love in its purest form.  Last and far from least …. Hugh, my soulmate for love and life, the man who truly makes me smile from the inside out.  What do I believe more than anything?....  Every pain, every sorrow, every heart wrenching lesson and experience was bringing me to this moment, to this place of peace, understanding and loving acceptance…..  I BELIEVE…… Your future's not set in stone. You can change the course of your life right now by changing your intentional acts and (self-destructive) patterns. And so the secret is out….  I'd love to hear how your own beliefs have changed or grown and how your navigating through these trying times.  Share with me here.... 


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