What if Someday Never Comes

It’s been quite some time since my last blog. I’ve been wanting to write, feeling like I should be writing, and then silently shaming myself for not.

Yes, it’s an old pattern, one I wish to abolish to the ends of the earth…. someday

Ahhhh! Now I know what I wish to write about…. It just came to me. I’m still learning if I just sit down and start typing, the words… the thoughts… the feelings… something deep inside begins pushing it all out. The first words, the first paragraph determined the rest of my story for today.You see, part of the reason for my lapse in writing is I’ve been really busy…. Busy building, creating, and delivering my new photography workshops. I’ve been busy doing what I love, building a small business idea…. becoming an entrepreneur - the thing I’ve always dreamed of being.

It’s HARD! Well, not hard exactly… revealing… Yep, I think I got it! It’s revealing in the sense I’m discovering deep-seated beliefs, fears, weaknesses, strengths, habits… the list goes on…

Let’s start with a shocking truth - my belief I can’t be successful as a photographer. In reflection, I’ve come to understand I hold this belief and it rises up often as I plug along creating a business that truly makes my heart smile. When I quiet the chatter I hear things like “you can’t make a living this way”, “photography is a hobby not a real job”..... You’re starting to get the picture, right?Wanna know the big clincher…. “Why would people come to your workshop?”... WTF…. Here’s the thing, people are coming. People are finding me and (fingers crossed).... keep loving the experience I provide. So that’s what I fight to hang onto, to remind myself and to “shut the ducks up”…. sitting on my shoulder beaking off…. Can you picture it? LOLWhat if Someday Never Comes

Wanna know the truth?

Being an entrepreneur is hard, harder in some ways, easier in others - like not having to deal with the corporate bullshit or office politics - too obvious? It requires discipline - for those who know me, you can stop laughing now! Actually, what I lack in discipline, I make up for in stubborn persistence, often to my own detriment. It usually involves too long sitting at a computer, a new to me technology, and trying to decipher some process or tool I think I need to figure out all on my own. Ugh!It’s a bit of a crux to be at this crossroads, knowing what I’m really good at and realizing what I need to let go of…. Meaning pay someone else to do. It’s a tough call when you’re just starting out, spending the money before you make it…. I’ve finally taken that leap of faith, albeit a small leap when I consider I’m in the hands of a man who adores, supports and cheers my every move…

What’s the leap of faith you ask?

I hired someone…. I’ve partnered with the beautiful and talented Devon to market my business, to get more people to my workshops. This was a big step, admitting not only do I not have the expertise…. But let’s be honest marketing today means social media…. Oh and apparently that means algorithms… need I say more?

What am I most proud of to date?

Hugh keeps telling me how proud he is of what I’ve accomplished in such a short time. See, what I mean about being adored, supported, and cheering my every move. If you don’t know, he's the quintessential entrepreneur and I have little doubt of his influence over me ever even getting this off the ground. Quite frankly, at one point (I’m sure he’d agree)…. I was brought along kicking and screaming - I think I wrote a blog about it too.Seriously though, if I take a moment to pause, to consider the past 7 months…. I can be proud of what I’ve done and how I’ve managed to overcome obstacles every entrepreneur faces in self-doubt (sometimes pity), FEAR, and other hidden beliefs perhaps I’ll touch on another day (or not).Here it is…. my list of accomplishments and overcomes (still in progress for some)

  1. Launch my new website in January
  2. Blog about some deeply personal topics and one very bizarre raccoon attack
  3. Double my email list in less than 3 months (thank you to all of you for helping share it with your friends & family)
  4. Host my first Wine, Women & Wisdom retreat just before COVID hit.. (thank you, Karen and Mel, for being such awesome and willing participants)
  5. Invest in my personal and business growth - became a member of Amy Porterfield’s List Builders Society (I’ve learned a lot about stuff I was afraid to consider)
  6. Self-proclaimed MailChimp guru - okay a little (lot) overstated and it did not come without a meltdown or two
  7. My PROUDEST moment - I created the Love Your Camera webinar series in the earlier stages of the pandemic (a dream evolves into reality and takes on a life of its own)
  8. 140 people register for my first webinar and here’s the real kicker….. Over 130 show up! For those familiar with free webinars, this is apparently highly unusual (an over the moon thanks to Jana and Learn Photography Canada for your support)
  9. 35 (+/-) consistently register/show up for every webinar (the exception being the last one and it truly was a technical glitch of some sort it seems)
  10. Create photo walking tours and partner with Tourism Kelowna to offer both the stay at home and close to home tourist something a little different - check out my brochure
  11. Host my first Through the Lens workshops (5 to date) with Darlene joining me for her second in just over a month (special thanks to Pala for photographing and capturing my first workshop experience)

What if Someday Never Comes

The thing I cherish most about all of this?

I have met, connected, reconnected, been inspired…. by so many wonderful people…. Some I’ve had the privilege of meeting in person, others virtually and many simply via email and zoom chat…. To say I’m grateful seems an understatement of immense proportion and so I pay tribute to all of you who have been a part of this amazing journey…. To mention a mere few from my Love Your Camera tribe ….. Tina…. Lysle…. Darlene…. Mary….. Joanne…. Carol…. The list goes on and you can imagine your name here too…

My someday is here!

If you’re still thinking “someday”, I hope this inspires you to take just one more step toward…. provides a little more courage, a little less fear to take the leap and do what makes your heart smile.I’d love to hear about your “someday”.... What it looks like, what it brings you, how you are making it happen. Tell me here


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