Love Yourself and Find The Magic

“Of all our infirmities, the most savage is to despise our being.” ~ Michel de Montaigne

Do you love yourself?Are you nice to yourself?By nice, I mean do you treat yourself with the love and admiration you bestow upon your dearest friend?You may or may not be surprised to learn most of us aren’t so nice to ourselves. We show love, patience, and immense kindness to others, to our dearest friends and loved ones. On the other hand, for ourselves, we hold impatience and harshness instead of encouragement, and in some cases, a pure disdain toward self emerges... if we dare to stop long enough and notice.

I spent years in this state without realizing, noticing, or understanding the damage taking place.

The belief system I was instilling in myself of not being good enough, worthy, or loveable made me believe I needed ‘fixing’.It took more than one person to ask me, “Are you always this hard on yourself?”The moment of truth finally appeared sitting in my therapist’s office - his question finally hit home, “Why would you treat yourself any less than how you treat your closest friends?” I’ve asked myself that very question on more than one occasion since… and it helps to remind me.

A gentle reminder appeared last night - words in a book I’d been meaning to read for months.

What book, you ask?...

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It ~ Kamal Ravikant(or listen to his podcast interview)

What was the reminder?...

“Here’s what I’ve learned about habits and patterns that don’t serve us. There is a moment of decision where two paths stretch out in front. One choice calls for the old familiar. The other, unknown. Magic lies in the unknown.”

And then the clincher... a version of my own adapted mantra of some 5 years now… “If it scares me, there is magic on the other side.”

I was reminded how tightly our beliefs hold on, how easily the old patterns return when we take the old familiar path instead of stepping into our fear and discovering the magic.When I awoke this morning, I asked myself the question Kamal shares - “If you loved yourself truly and deeply, what would you do?” I got up, put on my yoga clothes, and went to yoga. I refused to listen to the hindering voice telling me to stay in bed.In sharing this with you, it is my deepest desire to help you find your magic and love yourself, and in so doing, I find mine.Let me know what magic you discover and how you practice being kind to yourself. Tell me here.Hi I’m Donna. I’m deeply passionate about helping people achieve more than they thought possible by creating habits and practices aligned with who you are and how you want to show up. If you’re even a little curious to explore how to get where you want and deserve to be faster, I invite you to a 30-minute no-obligation discovery call. Book it now.


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